

    In the heart of the forest, amidst stunning landscapes and fantastical creatures, lies the hidden home of the nymphs. The nymph Nima has reached adulthood and it is now time for her to take on the responsibility of ensuring the future of her species. She must put into practice all that she has learned about the world of humans in order to seduce them, use them to perpetuate her race and then dispose of them. 

    When Nima encounters Awk, she realizes he is different from what her sisters have taught her about men, leading her to question her beliefs. Will she be able to uphold the ancient traditions that guarantee the survival of her people, event as her own feelings start to sway her?

    A tale of unexpected and impossible love, a collision between two different beings who both doubt their place within their own species and their own perception of life.


    Zona negativa

    Technical Info

    Original Edition: Nima ESP

    Pages and format: 64 pages. Color. Board

    Publication date: 30/01/2018

    ISBN: 978-84-17253-02-8

    Key Points
    • An original and unique work by Enrique Fernández, a renowned author with works published in Spain, France and Italy, with an outstanding narrative capacity
    • A poignant and captivating tale about nymphs, featuring stunning vignettes brimming with color and movement
    • A formidable drawing with an intelligent use of colour


    Rights Information

    Available worldwide except France and Italy (Spaceman Project)

    Original Edition: Nima ESP

    Pages and format: 64 pages. Color. Board

    Publication date: 30/01/2018

    ISBN: 978-84-17253-02-8