
Carlos Portela receives award for Graphic Novel La Cuenta Atrás

Carlos Portela, author of the Graphic Novel La Cuenta Atrás, receives a new Award for Best National Author

Carlos Portela has received the Best National Writer Award of Premios de la Crítica from Dolmen Editorial 2023 for the script of La Cuenta Atrás, a comic drawn by Sergi San Julián and first published in 2008, about the the disaster of the oil tanker Prestige, off the Galitian coast in November 2002. 

Conceived as a story in two parts, the second never saw the light of day since the original publisher stopped publishing comics. It seemed that this second part was going to remain in the limbo of the projects never published, but, fortunately, the project was taken over by ECC in 2022 coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the catastrophe.